3four3 FM https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/ep-323-how-to-be-remarkable-within-a-traditional-rec-program/ Wed, 12 Jul 2023 18:49:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 © 2025 3four3 Soccer for the Serious 3four3 Soccer Education for the Serious 3four3 support@343coaching.com Yes Ep 323: How to Be Remarkable Within a Traditional “Rec” Program https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/ep-323-how-to-be-remarkable-within-a-traditional-rec-program/ https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/ep-323-how-to-be-remarkable-within-a-traditional-rec-program/#respond Wed, 12 Jul 2023 00:32:22 +0000 https://343coaching.com/?post_type=podcast&p=46292

I am joined today by Kirk Kinsey, soccer coach, soccer parent, doing the remarkable within the confines of American soccer. Within what is deemed “rec soccer” of all places.

Ok, ok. Why on earth would 3four3 be talking about AYSO?

I mean doesn’t 3four3 represent the top end of the game, doesn’t it work with professional soccer players, top pro clubs overseas, MLS, the USL, etc … doesn’t it work on developing professional footballers, doesn’t it work on helping the power brokers in the US move towards a gold standard?

Well yes, yes to all of that, and much more.

But what is sometimes missed is the underlying principle upon which all those things rest.

Specifically, the pursuit of excellence and the remarkable.

And that’s something that can exist just about anywhere.

Both are worthy things, but there’s a notable distinction.

For instance, you can certainly “pursue excellence” as a coach in AYSO. It’s just that excellence in that context doesn’t mean developing a professional player. I think we all know that. Instead, what is meant is that someone can set atypical high standards for the level they find themselves coaching at, and asymptotically get there with their team or individual players.

That would be the “pursuit of excellence”.
Which is great, but “remarkable” is another level.

“Remarkable”, would be to somehow break the confines, the boundaries, the presumed rules, that – in this case – AYSO establishes, and enter a whole new world of what’s possible. Then you pursue excellence within that new space you’ve created for yourself.

So you see, something like that totally fits into what 3four3 is about.

And that is the case you’ll hear about with Kirk.
Honestly, it’s one of my favorite episodes to date – please do yourself the favor of listening to this one from start to finish.

I hope you enjoy, and are inspired to do the same wherever you happen to be.

Luckily, if you are a coach or a parent of a player, we’ve also codified and made available the remarkable work of a coach who trained and shepherded many, many players from the age of 9 all the way to graduating them to being professionals.

The products that show you how this was done, is what sponsors this episode.

To get aboard a proven path, a legitimately proven path, not something copied or synthesized from elsewhere, or worse. No, but rather a first hand account and curriculum directly from the source, from the practitioners themselves.

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https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/ep-323-how-to-be-remarkable-within-a-traditional-rec-program/feed/ 0 I am joined today by Kirk Kinsey, soccer coach, soccer parent, doing the remarkable within the confines of American soccer. Within what is deemed “rec soccer” of all places. Ok, ok. Why on earth would 3four3 be talking about AYSO? I mean doesn’t 3four3 represent the top end of the game, doesn’t it work with [...] No No 42:40 gary kleiban