3four3 FM https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/episode-122-joey-cascio-possession-soccer-coach-our-best-conversation-yet/ Tue, 16 Oct 2018 16:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 © 2025 3four3 Soccer for the Serious 3four3 Soccer Education for the Serious 3four3 support@343coaching.com Yes Episode 122: Joey Cascio and I Record Our Best Conversation Ever. I Don’t Think You’re Ready for This Realness. https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/episode-122-joey-cascio-possession-soccer-coach-our-best-conversation-yet/ https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/episode-122-joey-cascio-possession-soccer-coach-our-best-conversation-yet/#comments Tue, 16 Oct 2018 16:14:40 +0000 https://343coaching.com/?post_type=podcast&p=28407

Joey Cascio is now in the lead for most guest appearances on the #343podcast. And, rightfully so.

Of all the youth coaches that I have had the privilege and pleasure of meeting, interviewing, and getting to know, Joey’s work continues to shine brighter than the pack and catch my eye, no matter where he finds himself coaching.

In one of our frequent late night text message conversations, I asked Joey if we could record another episode and talk about how he has been able to successfully implement a discernable style of play, in such short amounts of time, with every team that he’s worked with. And even though quick stops at multiple clubs are not preferable, a possession identity has clearly been present at each stop. It’s a feat that, in my opinion, is bordering on remarkable. And I wanted to talk to Joey about that.

So, after a few more texts, he agreed. We set a date and time. And then I completely forgot about it.

When it was time to record, I was halfway done with breakfast at a coffee shop, twenty minutes from my studio.

We quickly rescheduled.

What you’re about to hear was recorded just a couple of days later.

After recording, I asked Joey to send me some videos of his teams that could accompany the written portion of this podcast. The video work would also serve another purpose, that is, showcasing work that is worth showcasing.

Here is what he sent me:

Resources and other episodes mentioned during this podcast:

Coaching Education Program

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Learn more and join over 400 coaches using our proven possession-based methodology.

https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/episode-122-joey-cascio-possession-soccer-coach-our-best-conversation-yet/feed/ 2 Joey Cascio is now in the lead for most guest appearances on the #343podcast. And, rightfully so. Of all the youth coaches that I have had the privilege and pleasure of meeting, interviewing, and getting to know, Joey’s work continues to shine brighter than the pack and catch my eye, no matter where he finds [...] No No 0:00 Gary Kleiban