3four3 FM https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/real-conversation-phil-schoen/ Fri, 15 Jul 2016 15:23:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 © 2025 3four3 Soccer for the Serious 3four3 Soccer Education for the Serious 3four3 support@343coaching.com Yes A Real Conversation With Phil Schoen https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/real-conversation-phil-schoen/ https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/real-conversation-phil-schoen/#respond Thu, 30 Jun 2016 17:03:45 +0000 http://343coaching.com/?post_type=podcast&p=9913

Phil Schoen is probably best known right now for his multiple roles on beIN SPORTS. If you’ve watched a Barcelona or Real Madrid game in the last few years, you’ve likely heard the tag team of Phil and Ray Hudson. You can also find him on other beIN shows such as The Locker Room and The XTRA.

But when someone is limited to just a few minutes of talking time on these shows they might not get to say everything they wanted. So it’s no surprise when you see guys like Phil, Alexi Lalas, and Taylor Twellman jumping on social media to try to go more in depth. But with just 140 characters on Twitter… it can get dangerous.

Which is why I invited Phil Schoen to join me on the podcast.

The hottest topic in the soccer Twittersphere is promotion/relegation. I saw Phil getting into it with several people and thought it would be great to give Phil a forum to go a bit more in depth… whether I agree with him or not.

Phil and I spent over an hour discussing many different things. He gave his thoughts on the growth of MLS and US Soccer. I fired back with some thoughts and questions. We talked about investments from billionaires, and also discussed giving teams with lower budgets opportunities to grow into something bigger.

Whether or not we got anywhere with our discussion can be questioned. I don’t think we changed each others minds on anything. But the fact that he came on the show and dove head first into certain topics is a step in the right direction when it comes to productive conversation not only from our mainstream soccer media, but soccer folk in general.

During our chat, Phil rightfully states that now it’s time for more people to not just chime in, but to offer ideas and plans, and to put their money where their mouth is.

Enjoy this episode with Phil Schoen! Find him on Twitter and say hi!


https://343coaching.com/podcast/soccer-by-3four3/real-conversation-phil-schoen/feed/ 0 Phil Schoen is probably best known right now for his multiple roles on beIN SPORTS. If you’ve watched a Barcelona or Real Madrid game in the last few years, you’ve likely heard the tag team of Phil and Ray Hudson. You can also find him on other beIN shows such as The Locker Room and [...] No No 0:00 Gary Kleiban