Who can actually take credit for a player “making it”?
Furthermore, what does “making it” even mean? Does it mean something different in different situations? What’s the context?
Specifically, we talk about who can claim credit for a players development and ultimately their trajectory?
- Can a coach claim credit?
- Can a parent/mentor claim credit?
- Can a club claim credit?
- Can a league claim credit?
- Can a federation claim credit?
How much credit should the player themselves get?
Well, Gary Kleiban and I discuss all of that, plus more in this week’s episode.
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Great point in this podcast about the time it takes to understand the U.S. system. By the time parents and youth figure it out (IF they do), it’s too late or they’re years behind where they would be if it was clear from the start.
A benefit of an open system is clear path from the start.
A player starts at 7 or 8, coached by the club’s first team players. That sets their sights on what they want to be at age 16 or 17 (“to play for the 1st team, like Coach), instead of being complacent with being the best on their youth team (learned that from your podcasts with Kephern Fuller & Sasha van der Most…).
The club’s first team rank in the country is clear. No need for parents to guess or coaches to pull the wool over their eyes (e.g. ‘our academy plays in a tougher league than them’). Parents/players know if they have their sights set on a 1st of 4th tier first team from the start.
Seth – Thanks for listening and sharing your thoughts.
I couldn’t agree more.
It reminds me of something that Gary has said over the years: We are still in an education phase.
Meaning that once enough people are properly educated about the topic, then we can expect real progress to be made with regard to changing the system. How many people? How long will it take? Those are tough questions to answer.
What I can say with certainty is that MLS and US Soccer (the power brokers) are no longer in cruise control, like they were for years. And that is a good thing.
Great episode.
Question; Are European clubs aware of how players are “elevated” in the US(Y)NT system? How, if at all, does this affect their general perception of US players?
Kyle, great question.
I don’t know the answer to that.
My best guess would be that some do, and some don’t. Borussia Dortmund seems like they’ve figured something out. I’ll see if I can poke around and get a better answer for you.