Notice who’s authoring this article? Me, and not your host, John Pranjic.
Today, he finds himself in Barcelona, Spain. So I’ll let this one slide.
Many practitioners have made this trip to the exterior in search of education. It is of course valuable, but not the end all be all, and you most certainly don’t get a recipe for success. There are no recipes you can copy and paste, because the recipe has such depth and idiosyncrasies that no trip or document can capture.
In fact, without having proper context it’s entirely possible someone brings home with them incorrect notions of what they witnessed.
For example, you may have heard that at the youth level Barcelona doesn’t care about winning. Without understanding the context surrounding the club, taking that at face value is simply wrong.
You may have also heard that it’s all about individual player development, and not the team. That again, without capacity for context, is simply wrong.
That said, one way or another, gold nuggets are brought home from the experience. And I would recommend it to anyone.
The same goes for any legitimate source of education.
Which brings us to John’s podcast episode today. Listen in as he describes his goal of finding, using, and delivering good education.
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